Friday, September 1, 2023

An Overdue Thank You

I suck at writing thank you notes. 

I always have been. It's not that I'm not thankful, I'm just one of those people that will quickly put it on the back-burner and then forget about it until months later when it randomly pops back into my brain. The "Oh sh!t, I forgot to do that!" moments have probably just gotten worse as I've gotten older. 

It dawned on me the other day that when I write blog posts about cards others have sent me, I'm essentially writing a thank you note to that person. Just like their stationary brethren, I'll occasionally put one off until later until it gets forgotten. Then I remember, get embarrassed at myself, and remind myself that it's not too late.

Today's overdue acknowledgement of gratitude goes to Jon at A Penny Sleeve For Your Thoughts. Remember back in April when he was giving away all those cards? I do, because I ended up with a stack of them. I still haven't shown them off, and that needs to be rectified.


Dear Jon,

Thank you for the generous gift of cards you sent me. I appreciate the chance to add new Red Sox cards to my collection.

I've always loved Laughlin cards, so it was nice to add a couple of those...
...along with a company I appreciate, the short lived Ted Williams sets.

It's always great to add Hall of Famers to my collection too!
I especially like this Upper Deck set. I may have to try and complete that one!

Even these cards will be a welcome addition to my collection. Kellogg's are always fun, as are cards of larger than life personalities like Martin and Manny. I'm not an Ichiro collector, but how could you not love a mother's day/breast cancer card or one of Topps few tributes to 1987?

All of these cards have made my collection even better, and every time I look at them I will be reminded of your kindness. Thank you again, Jon!



  1. Martin wins it. The Ichiro duo made it close.

  2. I'm getting too old for 'Dear Jon' letters :)

    Seriously though, I'm sure that you had other things going on, so it's not a big deal. It is nice to know that the package arrived though.
