Monday, August 5, 2024

Sleuthing My Way To Some Free Cards

"I don't claim to have all the answers, but I know where to find them."
I tell people that a lot. I have been fixing computers for over 20 years, and every time the technology changes, whether it's a new Microsoft Windows or a new hardware standard, chances are I'll run into a problem I haven't seen before. In truth, a good chunk of my job is in researching and finding the solutions that I don't currently have. I'm hardly an expert in researching, but I do alright. I can find answers when I need to.

This gift of sleuthing paid off for me recently. One of the more prominent members of the TCDB community, Dan, had a little contest on the forums. For 10 days, he used a site feature to randomly pick a card from his collection. He then described the card, giving as much detail as he wanted, and tasked others to name the card. Get all 10 right, and win a prize! All but one of the cards was baseball, so I was able to figure out the set based on the graphical elements easy enough, but from there I had to actually look through the sets to find exact card that matched Dan's descriptions. It wasn't easy, but I don't think it took me more than 15 minutes to find any one card. 

In the end, I was among a small group who got all 10 cards correct, and received a PWE for my efforts. I'll start with the batch of cards from Topps' trippy 1995 DIII set:

I really like the Conlon Collection set, and will pick up any cards of those when I can cheaply, so I was happy to add this trio as well:
Rounding out with a mix of other cards:
That Dykstra is the the first card printed on a steel plate that I own, and that Aurillia is a Keebler food issue I had never seen before.
Favorite Card: I love the uniform on the Jim Scott card!
Thanks for the contest Dan! It was a fun diversion from the normal sleuthing I do!


  1. Sounds like a fun contest! Those steel Leaf cards are nice in hand. Topps did a similar set around the same time.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the contest, and congrats on being a winner. Also happy to see you enjoy the prizes. Thanks again for your participation!

  3. I have a bunch of those 1996 Leaf Preferred Steel 77 card insert set.

  4. Sounds like a really cool contest. Congratulations on being one of the winners. I really like Leaf Preferred Steel cards. I purchased the complete set years ago. It's easily the heaviest set in the collection.

  5. I always forget about that Topps set

  6. Congratulations Matt! That was a very cool contest that Dan had. I missed one of the deadlines, so naturally I didn't get all 10 right. But it was still fun!

  7. Congratulations on your win!
