Friday, January 31, 2025

Trolled By A Box Of Stadium Club

When you are primarily a team collector, opening packs is pretty hit or miss. Some days the cardboard gods smile upon you, other days you get shut out.

I think this is the first time where the powers that be actually pointed and laughed at me.

I had an opportunity around Christmastime to purchase a hanger box of Stadium Club. I've become a little more selective when cards happen to show up in my local stores, having only purchased the base set and holiday sets. Stadium Club has always been a good rip, so I bought it.

8 packs, each with 10 cards. I had hope that maybe one or two cards would be feature Red Sox players, and would have considered the purchase to me an resounding success even if my lone Red Sox card happened to be the Greatest Red Sox card of 2024. Alas, I did not get any Boston players. What the box did provide in abundance was Yankees:

Oh, and each of the 8 packs contained one red parallel. Yeah, you can guess how well that went!
16 Yankee cards, an average of 2 per pack. Really, Stadium Club, you could collate the box just a little? It's bad enough when 20% of the cards are of one team, but it's 10 times worse when it's your favorite team's rival!
The cardboard gods did make it up to me again somewhat. Despite the wicked burn, just before the year ended I once again had the chance to pick up a trio the smaller hanger packs. Again, no Red Sox base cards, but the included pink parallels look pretty:

Here's hoping I'll have continued good luck ripping cards in 2025!


  1. You got some nice looking cards there!

  2. I've bought one pack of Stadium Club so far. All 3 pinks were Astros. Ugh!

  3. I've seen this same scenario with this year's Stadium Club at least 5 times from 5 different collectors. I am staying far away from buying any.

  4. The regular Judge wins it.
    Seems like the collation issue is definitely a thing.

  5. Collation is definitely an issue this year. I ripped two different blaster boxes that were full of that other team in Texas. I think I'm down to about 40 or 50 cards from completing a set.

  6. Stadium Club collation was awful this year. I guess if you get the box that features your team heavily you could be happy but that's a 1/30 chance (not that I think Topps actually made it equal across all teams).

  7. On a positive note... you should be able to find some Yankees collectors to trade with. I'm sure they'd gladly take those off your hands for some Red Sox.

  8. I had a hanger pack with 7 Padres (3 base, 3 Pink, 1 insert).
