Monday, February 10, 2025

Comical Erorrs: Bob Uecker

Sometimes it's funny where you find inspiration...

When the great Bob Ueker died on January 16th, I went on to the TCDB and looked at his cards. (Did you know that according to the database, he only has 62 cards? Guys nowadays have that many just within a single set release!) Anyway, one of those 62 cards was from a set I had never heard of before, even though it was by popular card artist Bob Laughlin. 

The 1977 Laughlin Erorrs set (yes the misspelling is intentional) is a 40 card set that is dedicated to errors that appear on baseball cards! It's a great little set with those great Laughlin cartoons, and I thought it would be fun to do a semi-regular series dedicated to the set and errors found within! 

As the inspiration behind this new series, we'll kick things off with Mr. Ueker (That comment does sound like something Ueker would say doesn't it?) His error comes from his 1963 Topps card:

According to the Laughlin card, his error can be found on the back where the card number resides. All of the other player cards from this set don't have that black box  around the card number. True enough, no other player from that set has the box, although the box is used elsewhere. You can find it around the number on cards for managers, league leaders, team cards, rookies, and combo player cards.

I tried to find other examples of cards where a border exists where there shouldn't be, or instances of card numbers not looking the same as the rest of their counterparts. It was kind of exhausting to be honest, and I didn't get far with the limited amount of searching I did. The closest thing I could find actually happens in the same 1963 Topps set. The card for Art Fowler also contains an error with his card number, but his is due to the color used:

Can anyone else think of an error card where there is either a border or lack of one on a card that makes it stand out from the rest of the set?


  1. That is a wonderful idea for a set!

  2. Now I am going to have to track down that Laughlin Braves card.

  3. When Bo posted this set a couple of weeks ago, I looked the cards up on the usual sale sites -- yikes.

  4. I came across this site recently on TCDB too. I think I just posted a comment on Night Owl's blog, not on my own, but yes, fun idea for a set.

    Funny thing is I couldn't figure out the black border thing on Uecker's card. Makes sense now!

  5. Never saw that set before. Looks awesome. The Claude Raymond card poking fun at his open zipper is...*chef's kiss*.

    It's a shame Uecker hasn't appeared in recent sets. I realized when he passed that I don't have a single card of him.

  6. Never knew about this set... or the Uecker error until now. I like the box around the number though.

  7. I too didn't know about this set, should be a fun series read!
