Friday, May 3, 2024

TCDB Trade Recap: Cards From Portland, OR

I think I'm done buying packs of 2024 Series 1. I have enough of the cards (and enough doubles) that if I wanted to I could probably complete it through trades. When a TCDB member named Erick posted he was looking for some as well, I looked through what I had and we ended up making a trade.

As of now, I'm not going to add the cards I need to my want lists (except for the 5 Red Sox cards I still need!) I'll just pick up what I can casually and maybe I'll motivate myself into finishing it before Series 2 comes out.

Favorite Card: While it's always good to have a Red Sox player posed in front of the Fenway scoreboard, I can't help but appreciate the dirt and emotion on the card of Yaz's grandson.

Thanks for the trade Erick!


  1. I should probably be done opening packs, but I'm addicted and will probably pick something up when I visit my friendly neighborhood Walmart. Let me know what you need and I'm sure we can swap cards.

    1. Yeah, I may eventually put up a want list. I did see on your TCDB account that I have 3 from the set you need!
