Friday, June 28, 2024

A Trade Between Bloggers: The Hopeful Chase

It always makes me happy when a blogger comes back after a long hiatus. Justin from The Hopeful Chase posted recently, detailing his quest to trade for the remaining cards he needs for the 2024 Topps set. As a fellow TCDB member, I was able to see what cards he needed, and as it turned out I had a few extras I could send his way. He was able to send a few Red Sox needs back to me

 As well as a few 2024 Topps needs of my own! (I'm low-key trying to finish this set too!) 

Favorite Card: There's something amusing about Kevin Millar and the fact he's holding up his hands. It wouldn't surprise me if he was attempting to mime being trapped in a box or something...
Thanks for the trade Jeff! Good luck on the set build!


  1. Oh, a new-to-me blog to check out!

  2. I like the Millar too. I really liked how 2004 Topps has the little guy at the bottom that mimics the player's pose in the photo.
