Monday, January 6, 2025

2024 Year In Review

Every year, I have taken a look at how the past year has impacted my collection, and I have decided to  continue again this year and see what changed in 2024! 

2024 Highlights

  • The blog has now reached 7 years, and this post here marks my 1,251st post!
  • The Time Travel Trading Project continues to grow. I've completed 59 trades this past year, including my 300th Time Travel Trade! That's just 2 trades less than the year before, so there has been some consistency!
  • My goal of acquiring the Topps base card of every Red Sox from 1975 onward is coming along well, I'm under 140 cards needed now, which is impressive since I wasn't collecting for about 25 years of that time. My unofficial goal for the year is to get that number under 100. Once I do that, I may start adding some other sets in, like Update.
  • I finished just one complete set this year, and it was a small 4-card set that I had never even seen or heard of before I stumbled upon it this year - The 1994 Megacards Ruthian Shots set!
  • That Ruthian Shots set got completed because there is now a card shop just a couple miles from where I work! It's not a "true" card shop as he can't afford to carry new product, but there's planty of loose cards for me to dig through!
  • Without even realizing it, sometime in the past year I officially added the 50,000th card to my collection!

2024 Diamond Jesters Blog Stats

Number of posts: 143 (5 less than last year, still in range with what I have been putting out yearly)
Month with the most posts: 14 posts in July
Top 5 viewed posts:  The Spam-bots were out in full force this year, as I had 52 posts hit the 100 view mark, 15 more than last year. I only had 1 post hit 200 views last year too.
Most commented posts: Blog Bat-Around: 5 Best Pack Pulled Hits - 17 comments (This was a fun post, and I'm glad it got the response it did.)
Followers: 73 (Who says blogs aren't cool anymore? 3 new followers since last year!)

My Collection

(Stats courtesy of the Trading Card Database)

Total number of cards: 50,220 (This total does not include unopened products or cards from the Time Travel Trading project)
Cards from 2024 sets: 945 (Over 600 cards more than last year, and a huge majority of it is from an almost completed 2024 base set!)
Red Sox cards: 6,819 (An increase of 236 cards from last year's total - I'll take it!)
Autographed cards: 51 (8 new this year: Mike Greenwell, Dwight Evans, Matt Barnes, Steven Wright, Jordan Beck, Narciso Crook, Dwayne Hosey, and Shea Hillenbrand) 

Graded cards: 1 (No new cards this year, not something I actively collect anyway.)
Relic cards: 33 (7 new this year: James Outman, Koji Uehara, Josh Beckett, Tony Gwynn, Jed Lowrie, Michael Chavis, and David Ortiz)

All in all, 2024 was a great year! Here's hoping for an even better 2025!



  1. Hillenbrand should've played for the Mets.

  2. Hopefully next time I can meet up with you at the Chantilly show when I visit my friend in Maryland

  3. Dang, somebody's been busy! Hope the blog continues to go well in 2025!

  4. Congrats on 1,251 posts and here's to at least 1,251 more!

  5. I like the by-the-numbers treatment, makes me want to one myself.

  6. Great post. You motivated me to check out my most viewed and commented posts. I don't track my collection well enough to count specific autographs or A's/Padres cards added this year.

    P.S. I love your idea of collecting every Topps base card for the Red Sox. Maybe I'll do that for the A's.

  7. That was a pretty solid year for the blog; certainly better than mine.
